2010 You've been good to me

There was no way I could end 2010 with the last blog post about feeling guilty for not writing soooo I decided (like most other people)to recap the past years events. At first I thought of all the bad things that happened and then realized way more good than bad happened. I don't know why as humans we sometimes prefer to focus on the negative but today I'm focusing on the Blessings of the past year. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't been all cupcakes and rainbows but you have to have a rainstorm to get the rainbow.
First and most importantly back in Feb 2010 I started my blog! My very first blog post(which I'm not exactly proud of) can be found right here. I am happy to say I think I have come a long way since that post from my dorm room. Which brings me to my next milestone in life and 2010.

In May I moved into my very first apartment! Ahh the joy of moving out of a dorm room can not even be explained in a post. Sharing a bathroom with 70 something girls is NOT, i repeat NOT glamorous and I am so thankful I can say that I will never have to experience that again.

My sister and I took our first International trip together and went on a missions trip to Venezuela in July with our Church for two weeks. It was exciting to travel with her and to be able to show her Venezuela( since I had been 3 times before). Experiencing culture and meeting new people with her was fantastic.

In August I was in my very first wedding which happened to be my one and only first cousin. It was so much fun and an absolutely Gorgeous wedding.

Between then lots of little tid bits of things have happened such as my very first country concert! I know I know, I'm 20, it took awhile what can I say? But It did not disappoint and Carrie Underwood was SOO Amazing!! It was so fun to take a little road trip with some girlfriends to Charlotte,NC and see Carrie!

December brought gingerbread houses,snow and Christmas. I know this year has much in store and I'm so exited to share it with you as it comes! I hope your 2010 has been as good as mine. Lots of Love and Happy New year!!!


  1. You are so lucky that you got to wear a gorgeous bridesmaid dress! Definitely makes being in a wedding that much more fun! I'm so happy that you had a good 2010! May you be blessed with a happy 2011 as well!

  2. Just found your blog, it's so cute! How fun that you got to go to Venezula for a mission! :)


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